marți, 9 octombrie 2012

13rd International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology

Pe 17-20 octombrie 2012 la Muzeul Judeţean Buzău va avea loc al 13-a Colocviu Internaţional de Arheologie Funerară "Bronze and Iron Ages Graves from Eurasia: Gender between Archaeology and Anthropology" cu participare a arheologilor din diferite centre de cercetare din România, Serbia, Italia,  Republica Moldova, Bulgaria, Ucraina şi Polonia.

Catedra Arheologie şi Istorie Antică va participa cu comunicările:

  • Ion NICULIŢĂ, Andrei NICIC, Funeral Practices in the Saharna-Dealul Mănăstirii Site of the First Epoch of the Iron Age in the Middle Dniester Area
  • Ion NICULIŢĂ, Aurel ZANOCI, Funeral practices and rites in the Early Hallstatt communities in the south of Middle Dniester area

Comunicări în domeniul arheologiei:

  • Tudor Soroceanu, Valeriu Sîrbu, La grotte de Nucu du Néolithique à l’âge du Bronze
  • VALERIU SIRBU (Brăila, Romania), MARIA-MAGDALENA ŞTEFAN (Bucharest, Romania) - Between Norm and Ambiguity – Expressing Gender in Second Iron Age North-Balkan Thrace
  • DANIEL COSTACHE (Buzău, Romania) - The stage of research on cemeteries and burial discoveries from the Bronze Age in the Carpathian Curvature
  • CRISTIAN SCHUSTER, ALEXANDRA COMŞA (Bucharest, Romania) - Gender and Funerary Inventory in the Bronze Age of Southern Romania. An Archaeological and Anthropological Approach  
  • MARIJA LJUŠTINA (Belgrade, Serbia), KATARINA DMITROVIĆ (Čačak, Serbia)  - Middle Bronze Age Tumular Graves in the Kablar Range, West Serbia - Gender Perceived as Physical Condition and Social Construct
  • NONA PALINCAŞ (Bucharest, Romania) - Horns and snails in the making of gender in the Late Bronze Age in the Carpathian Arc (c. 1700-1500 cal BC)
  • DAVIDE DELFINO (Italie) - Les exceptions qui confirment la règle: sépultures inusuelles dans l’Age du Bronze de l’Europe sud occidentale
  • MILOŠ JEVTIĆ (Belgrade, Serbia) - Some remarks on the gender relationships in the Late Bronze Age necropolis with cremation graves in Central Balkans.
  • OLEG LEVITSKI (Chişinău, Rep. of Moldova), MAYA KASHUBA (St. Petersburg, Russia) - The Hallstatt cultures’ funeral rites of the Eastern Carpathian region – the problems of the genders investigation
  • ION NICULIŢĂ, ANDREI NICIC (Chişinău, Rep. of Moldova), Funeral Practices in the Saharna-Dealul Mănăstirii Site of the First Epoch of the Iron Age in the Middle Dniester Area
  • ION NICULIŢĂ, AUREL ZANOCI (Chişinău, Rep. of Moldova), Funeral practices and rites in the Early Hallstatt communities in the south of Middle Dniester area
  • ALEXANDR MOGYLOV (Kiev, Ukraine) - The Funerary ewidence of the West Podolian Group of The Scythian Period
  • VLADIMIR GRIGORYEV, SERGEY SKORY (Kiev, Ukraine), The Barrows of Scythians the Nomads near Vishnopol' village (Dnieper Right-Bank Forest-Steppe)
  • KATARZYNA BUJARSKA, TOMASZ BOCHNAK (Rzeszów, Pologne), Tombe féminine & tombe masculine dans la culture de Przeworsk: cas typiques et particularités
  • IOSIF VASILE FERENCZ (Deva, Romania) - A historiographycal aproach to gender determination on the Early and Middle La Tène Transylvanian graves
  • DIANA GERGOVA (Sofia, Bulgaria) - The Thracian Bessi. Main characteristics of the Culture of a Priestly-Warrior Tribe
  • LYUBAVA KONOVA (Sofia, Bulgaria) - Funeral rites in the necropolis of Apollonia Pontica – an attempt at reconstruction
  • VALERIU SIRBU (Brăila, Romania), DAN ŞTEFAN (Bucharest, Romania), CRISTIAN ROMAN (Hunedoara, Romania), Gender Roles in Flux: A study in Social Dynamics in Second Iron Age Necropolis from Hunedoara ”Grădina Castelului”
  • OLEKSANDR SYMONENKO (Ukraine), Trade and Trophy: near East Imports in the Sarmatian Culture
  • LIANA OŢA (Bucharest, Romania), VALERIU SÎRBU (Brăila, Romania), SEBASTIAN MATEI (Buzău, Romania), - „Male” and „female” grave-goods in Sarmatian tombs found in Wallachia

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